Tell that to all the toxic males who fought off the Germans. War has existed since the dawn of man. There have also been toxic females in history.
Here are a few for you to digest.
The 10 Most Evil Women Rulers In History Admin 1 Year Ago 2 Comments
The cruellest dictators known are no match for the evil contained in this ranking.
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Generally, when we think of the cruellest leaders in history, names like Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun or Vlad the Impaler come to mind. Although these men were brutal leaders, it may surprise you that some of the more ruthless and fearsome leaders were women, in this article we will talk about some of them in a detailed ranking of their history.
Empress Julia Agrippina of Rome: Known as the Empress of poison, she was the sister of Emperor Caligula, and the mother of Emperor Nero. She got rid of all the men in her life, starting with her second husband whom she poisoned, so that she could marry her uncle Emperor Claudius, poisoning him in an attack of countless jealous adversaries competing for her attention.
Before poisoning Claudius, Agrippina convinced him to adopt his son Nero from the first marriage, and to name him his successor. Nero came to the throne as a teenager, but Agrippina ruled in his name, which led Nero to banish her. After several attempts to end his life, including a boat designed to sink, he finally executed his beloved mother in 59 A.D.
Warrior Queen Zenobia of Palmira: Septimia Zenobia defied the Roman Empire, personally leading her army into battle. In A.D. 258. became the second wife of King Septimius of Palmira, but he was killed along with his first wife, leaving his little son on the throne, she was his regent, but only ruled for the war, plundering Egypt 12 years later, announcing that Alexandria was the city of his ancestors, and Cleopatra his distant ancestor.
Zenobia conquered what is now known as Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, dominating trade in Asia Minor, and even made coins out of his portrait, and the Roman leader Aurelius destroyed Zenobia’s army in Antioch, and then exhibited it in Rome as his prisoner before she committed suicide in 274 AD.
Empress Wu Zetian of China: Imperial China had only one female ruler in 4000 years, before Chairman Mao and his little red book erased it with the Cultural Revolution. Wu Zetian’s promotion is amazing because she was the daughter of a low-ranking general, who began as a consort.
She was evil in her ascent through the court of the Tang Dynasty, killed her sister, older brothers and her lover, Emperor Gaozong, even her daughter who was in the line of succession to the throne. Wu exiled and executed anyone who threatened his reign, including children and grandchildren. The irony of his exiled son convinced him to dismiss his mother at the age of 80 and become emperor.
Queen Tamara of Georgia: She is a saint of the Georgian Orthodox Church, appears on the Georgian 50 Laris note, and helped create the golden age of Georgia, together with her father King George III ruled with him until his death in 1184 AD. He ascended to the throne after defeating the nobles, who dared to question the reign of a woman. Tamara then murdered all the clerics, who questioned her reign, and replaced them with obscene lawyers.
She then married Russian Prince Yuri, who was an excellent military commander and helped her expand into Georgian territory, but he was a womanizer, so the pious queen banished him.
Queen Elizabeth I of Spain: No one expected the Spanish Inquisition, except for Queen Elizabeth I of Castile, the evil queen of Spain, who began the campaign to purify her country, Isabel is also known for financing Christopher Columbus’ famous voyage in 1492, but is best known for her formidable streak, beginning with her four-year war in the succession of Castile, against her niece Joanna.
Queen Elizabeth and her husband Ferdinand expanded the power of the monarchy, purging the influence of the nobles, and reinstating Catholicism as the supreme religion of Spain, Pope Alexander VI declared them Catholic Monarchs, because the Spanish Inquisition oppressed the Jewish and Muslim minorities, who were killed or banished if they did not convert.
Queen Mary I of England: She was the daughter of the infamous King Henry VIII, who sent her away to Wales at the age of 9, where she had health problems and issues with her father. Mary took the throne after her brother, King Edward, died at the age of 15 and embarked on a cruel campaign to reverse her father’s Protestant reforms. As a devout Roman Catholic, Mary burned 300 Protestants at the stake and exiled others.
But history has ways of returning karma, because despite marrying King Philip of Spain, Mary was unable to conceive of an heir, and died of ovarian cancer at the age of 42.
Countess Elizabeth Bathory of Hungary: The Hungarian Countess, born in Transylvania in 1560, consumed the blood and flesh of at least one of her victims. The Countess was untouchable most of her life because she belonged to a distinguished family, she married Count Nadasdy, who built her a torture chamber to use with the peasant girls. He murdered several women and bathed in their blood, believing he could keep his own youth that way.
But impunity for her crimes ended in 1610, when she began to kidnap, torture, and murder the daughters of the nobles, which led to her prosecution and eventual imprisonment in a castle, where she was found dead in August 1614.
Queen Ranavalona I, the Madagascan Monarch of Madagascar: This woman decimated the population she ruled, from 5 million to half, by the end of her 33-year reign. Ranavalona made herself queen by claiming that the gods wanted her to rule, killed rivals, sold her subjects into slavery, beheaded French and British missionaries, and boiled the Christians of Madagascar alive.
Queen Rani Lakshmi Bai of India: She led the Great Indian Rebellion in 1857, against the British imperial government. According to historians, she threw herself into battle with the reins in her teeth, and a sword in each hand, and besieged the fort, where they massacred every British man, woman and child, Sir Hugh Rose, commander of the British Navy, used artillery to disarm the rebellion, but was astonished by it, calling it the Joan of Indian Arc.
Jiang Qing Lady of China: This woman was not royalty, but became the fourth wife of Chairman Mao Zedong in 1938, and was one of the architects, was a member of the Band of Four, at the top of the Communist Party, oversaw the destruction of China’s ancient culture, art literature and architecture. His government led to famine and the death of 500,000 people.