Police are Brutal Worldwide Even in Canada

Brian Lamacraft
6 min readJun 5, 2020

As I watched the protests in the United States, you may think that you are alone in police brutality. I can say for certain that you are not. Here in Canada, we go through the same thing. You often don’t hear about it because Americans probably don’t get a lot of Canadian news. We had a man from Poland at one of our airports a few years ago. He was tasered several times by police officers and died. This is an instance of police brutality. This man did not have to die. This altercation could have been easily de-escalated had these police officers receive the proper training. Almost all countries in this world suffer from some form of police brutality. This has been going on since I was a kid and it’s been going on long before that. It’s the laws that deal with how policing is done which have to change

No Police Won’t Work!

You can defund the police department’s all you want, but crime will still be there. It will just be replaced with some other type of enforcer. This might be worse than actual police unless you want criminals wandering in the streets and causing havoc to your citizens. Organized crime will run rampant. Criminal gangs will have a field day, and there will be no one around to protect anyone. Criminals have weapons as much as citizens do. Criminals FEAR being arrested by the police. With no police, crime rules the day.



Brian Lamacraft

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.