Member-only story
Music Healed Me It Can Heal You
Ah music, it’s the one thing many of us have in common. I can’t even count how many times music has gotten me out of a bad spot or made me feel better. There is just something magical about music and what it does to us. It’s so universal, and it’s a huge part of my life as a guitar player and lover of music in general. Music has healed me, and it can heal you too.
Brings Us Together
I love the way music can bring us together. Think of all the huge concerts and the way that people from all walks of life, all colors, all religions, all political affiliations. None of that means a hill of shit when we are all together with music. We listen, we dance; we enjoy life. It’s one of the only things in this life that can actually bring us together. Of course, we all have our own tastes in music, but it’s the one thing we all have in common.
Music is a universal healer. It’s a window into our soul. It’s been such a powerful voice for real change. When you look across the crowd and see all the people there, that is what life is all about. We are all there together and enjoying music. I wish we could translate that moment to all areas of our life, but sadly for some reason, we cannot.
Let there be sound
There was sound