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How To Know If You Have Sleep Apnea
Get checked if you feel like crap after sleeping.
How To Know If You Have Sleep Apnea
A couple of years ago, something happened to me that I didn’t expect. I found myself being tired all of the time. This just wasn’t normal tiredness as I felt wiped out most days of the week. It didn’t matter how much I slept or how much coffee I drank each day; I could not function as a normal human being.
I would often fall asleep in the early afternoon in my chair while writing or in front of the television. It was all I could do to stay awake after dinner. I would literally fall asleep with my phone in my hand or holding the remote. My wife kept telling me that my snoring was louder than she’s ever heard it before. I often had to sleep on the couch because she couldn’t sleep with my snoring volume.
I would often wake up in the morning feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus or having a random headache that came out of nowhere that wouldn’t go away. These are all signs of a condition called sleep apnea.
What is Sleep, Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a condition where your breathing starts and stops several times per night. I have what it’s called moderate sleep apnea. This is where I am wake up and go to sleep 25…