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Do We Care More About Robots or People?
The Rush to robotics forgets the human equation
It’s always been funny to me that we design robots to look like human beings. These artificial machines look like us and even talk like us. Soon they look to even replace us in many jobs that humans have done for generations.
Rise of the Machines
Why are we in such a rush to make artificial humans? We have so many deep severe problems on planet Earth. We should be embracing our common humanity and addressing homelessness, poverty, drug addiction, and all the other huge problems we face, yet we are pouring billions into making machines to essentially take our jobs, livelihoods and impoverish countless millions.
Jobs like drawing and writing which take into account the human element, are even being replaced by AI and machines. We scoff at the idea until we wake up tomorrow and AI has replaced everything because it will. As AI advances it’s going to take jobs away. So, where does this leave us? Humans need to work to earn a living. How do the millions that rely on basic jobs such as retail and other industries that are set to lose millions of jobs do for work?
No one has any concrete answers